Mechanics (Parabolic Motion)

Two particles A and B were fired from the ground. The mass of particle A is twice that of particle B and the initial velocity of particle A is twice that of particle B. Particle A is fired vertically, while particle B is fired at an elevation angle of with 0<α<90°. When it reaches its highest point, the velocity of particle A is v_A,maksand for particle B is v_B,maks. If air friction is neglected, then the correct statement with respect to the relationship between v_A,maks and v_B,maks is
a. v_A,maks> v_B,maks
b.v_A,maks< v_B,maks
c.v_A,maks= v_B,maks
d.v_A,maks=- v_B,maks
e.The relationship between and cannot be determined