Mechanics (Motion Along a Straight Line)

A particle moves along the positive x-axis. The motion of these particles can be seen from the graph between velocity and time as follows :

(1) At an interval of time 0 – t_1, the acceleration of the particle is positive and the particle in motion is accelerated
(2) At an interval t_2 – t_3 , the acceleration of the particles is positive and the moving particles are slowed down
(3) At the time interval t_3 – t_4, the acceleration of the particles is negative and the particles are moving accelerated
(4) At an interval of time t_5 – t_6, the acceleration of the particles is negative and the moving particles are accelerated
The correct statement regarding the conditions of motion of the particles is
a. (1) and (2)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (1) and (4)
d. (2) and (4)
e. Everything is correct