Magnetic Electricity (Loop of Wire)

A rectangular loop of wire, abcd, is next to a very long straight wire. The straight wire is given an electric current, i, as shown in the picture.

(1) If i is constant, then within the loop area of ​​the wire there is a magnetic field uniform with value of \frac{\mu_0i}{2πh}
(2) If i is constant and the wire loop is kept away from the straight wire continuously, then the wire loop will appear induced emf.
(3) If i increases, the induced current appears in the wire loop in a→b→c→d direction
(4) If i decreases, an induced magnetic field appears on the wire loop which is outward in the direction of the field
Which are the correct statements regarding the above phenomenon?
a. (1) and (2)
b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (3)
d. (2) and (4)
e. All answers are correct