Magnetic Electricity (Electrical Resistivity)

An experiment was carried out to measure the electrical resistivity of a 1,50 m length gallium wire with 5×10^{-9} m^2 cross-sectional area. The two ends of the wire are given a potential difference and then the current strength in the wire is measured using an ammeter. The measurement results are tabulated in the following table.
The resistivity of the wire is

Potential difference (V) Current (A)
5,25 0,125
5,80 0,138
6,30 0,150

a. 7,94×10^{-11} Ω.m
b. 4,50×10^{-10} Ω.m
c. 2,18×10^{-9} Ω.m
d. 1,20×10^{-8} Ω.m
e. 1,40×10^{-7} Ω.m